boost your business
training for you
Would you like to further advance your business ? We will help you with all topics relating to wedding photography . Have you already attended one of our live seminars or a workshop or even used a video training and would like to go even deeper? No matter what is bothering you or what you are still missing, we will help you with over 13 years of experience in the field of wedding photography.
1:1 online coaching
Tailored just to you, individually. So that you can move forward!

do you want more?
Personal coaching
Would you like to combine image editing or business topics with a wedding shoot? Then we plan the coaching for your very personal and individual day! Discover our theory & live personal coaching!

Let's boost your business together!
Possible topic content
Branding and corporate identity
Lightroom photo editing
Online/social media marketing
Price & performance design
Portfolio/Website Review
Storytelling wedding reports
Lightroom Workflow / Work efficiently
Target group/desired customers
Image transfer / online gallery / album
Camera technology & settings
Office organization and useful tools
Communication with customers
Thats what our customers say
It wasn't even a year ago when I completed personal coaching with Kathi and Chris. And yet everything has changed since then! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your tireless commitment , your passion for what you do and the painful honesty with which you gave me the right kick in the ass last year. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today. THANKS!
Anna Lena
I've been a follower of the site for a long time and I'm always thrilled ! I recently had a great online coaching session with Chris and I'm still thrilled! I had the preset coaching and learned a lot and Chris is always likeable too! It wasn't the last time I let him teach me something about photography!
I was able to get to know Kathi and Chris personally in two workshops and a personal coaching session . Not only did I learn an incredible amount, I'm also just very impressed with them both as people. The two of them are super natural, open, super funny and are happy to answer any question you have! Even if you ask a hundred times, they don't get annoyed but always make you feel welcome ! During their workshops and coaching, they pass on their knowledge to you in such a way that you understand everything, and if that's not the case, then they explain it at length so that you understand it. You can simply learn a lot of valuable things from both of them!!
I attended personal coaching on wedding photography with Kathi & Chris, including a wedding couple shoot . It was absolutely brilliant and sooo helpful. They put a lot of effort into answering the questions and also specifically addressing one of them. Part of the coaching was at their home, which I thought was absolutely great because it makes you feel like you belong and more like a friend instead of a "customer." The two of them are so helpful and now help me if I have any questions. I can only recommend such coaching to everyone, it is so worth it. Thank you both for everything and I will definitely take part in another workshop again soon.